Brain Drain
When you think, you drain the glucose from the brain area you are using.
Infecting Tumors
How infections may be a good way to stop cancer tumors by stopping angiogenesis.
Whale Singing
Looking for the source of one set of mysterious sonar sounds, researchers find the source of …
Selenium and the Flu
In selenium-deprived mice, the flu virus can mutate into a deadlier form, later causing worse …
Aspirin and Transplants
How aspirin can be used to prevent organ rejection by weakening immune cells that cause it.
Baby Taste Test
Babies get their first taste of native foods from their mother in the womb and in breast milk, and …
New Heart Muscle
Putting leg cells in the heart may help it to heal after heart attack
Why do mockingbirds do those little winglifts? (no one knows-- might be to scare insects out of …
Parasite Drugs
Drugs now used for osteoporosis may be able to knock out parasites, too.