Cancer Vaccine
A phase II clinical trial of a vaccine against colorectal cancer
Pet Roundup
The difference b/t wolves and dogs; tropical fish hunters with hand nets decimate fish populations
Inheriting Diabetes
If my parents have diabetes, will I get it too? (not necessarily - but chances higher)
Rodent Road Signs
Wood mice use leaves and twigs to mark their spot and find their way around
Baby Roundup
Nicotine babies need special care, birds and babies learn to vocalize from their mothers, and kids …
Mosquito Dunks
How do those mosquito-killing dunks work? (one type uses a bacterium, the other a hormone)
Mosquito Virus
A virus found in hog wastewater infects mosquito larvae and kills them.
Malaria Supplement
Lack of an amino acid makes children more likely to die from malaria.