Odor Discrimination
The human nose may be capable of distinguishing one trillion unique odors.
Ancient Cancer
Scientists uncover a case of human cancer as old as the Pharaohs.
Cocoa Benefits
The heart-healthy benefits of dark cocoa are the work of gut bacteria.
Sleep Disorders
Staying up late, getting up early, and using energy drinks to banish the fatigue could have major …
Robot Gaze Aversion
Humans relate better to robots that avert their eyes at well-chosen moments.
Saving Hawaiian Crows
The Hawaiian crow is recovering from a devastating population crash, with help from us.
Diet, Diabetes & Dementia
A common compound in the Western diet may contribute to both diabetes and dementia.
Elephant Ears
Elephants can discriminate between human voices that pose a threat to their safety and those that do …
Cultural Robot Preferences
Different cultures have different expectations and preferences when it comes to robot design.