Fingerprint Purpose
New research suggests our fingerprints help us feel finely detailed surfaces.
Insects and other animals may mistake shiny, hard surfaces for water, disrupting their life cycle.
Astronomers have detected carbon dioxide on a planet outside our solar system for the first time.
BREATHING: Why it's harder to breathe at high altitudes, asthma and your birthdate, and more.
Have you ever been to a high altitude and found yourself gasping for breath? One listener asked why that happens.
Blue bananas hide in plain sight, life spurred earth's mineral diversity, boats sport manatee alarms, and more.
Spinning spaceships could create artificial gravity in principle but not in practice.
THE SCIENCE OF TREES: Electricity from trees, building a tree from the ground up, a forest of aspirin, and trading rainforest conservation for healthcare.
Antifreeze from fleas, silk optics for food safety, plants head for the hills, heavy metals that won't go away, and more.
FIGHTING CANCER: An unlikely source for a new leukemia therapy. Also: new technologies illuminate cancer surgery and sniff out skin cancer.
If metal could be designed to harden like glass does, a new, nearly unbreakable material could result.
Solar physicists see the sun in 3-D with NASA's STEREO Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory.
NEWS FROM SPACE: Deflecting asteroids, catching a supernova in the act, capturing the sun in 3-D, and new names for old planets.
COMPUTERS & BIOLOGY: Both bacteria and beetles promise to speed up computing, a computer game that could lead to a cure for deadly diseases, and more.