Animal Locomotion
Bats can walk and gallop, and octopi can stroll on two legs.
Elephant Impressionists
Elephants can mimic sounds, which might help them maintain social bonds.
Cowbird Nestmates
Baby cowbirds live with their host siblings instead of kicking them out of the nest.
Dog Seizure Alert
A survey of families whose dogs can anticipate seizures in their epileptic children .
Bee Language
Competition for food sources may have pressured honeybees to evolve dance language.
Bee Espionage
Stingless bees can detect the odor markings of others and steal their food sources.
Squirrel Hoarding
Differences in squirrel hoarding behavior are affecting the makeup of hardwood forests.
Cassowary Calls
A bird called the cassowary emits calls lower than the level of human hearing.
Fish Sounds
Testing underwater sounds on fish to lure them away from hydroelectric dams
Birdbrain Roundup
Chickadee's brains grow in the autumn and shrink in the spring, and being happy can prevent the flu.
Fatherly Fish
Sand goby fathers show off for females by taking good care of their offspring.
Cats and Water
Why are cats afraid of water? (Maybe a bad early experience with water, but it's not inborn)
Bird Rest Stops
Migrating birds don't get the fat and protein they need to make their journeys.
Criminal Birds
Crows steal food differently depending on whether the victim is a relative, and peafowl are messing up California.
Ptarmigan Teaching
Mother ptarmigans teach their chicks to what foods to eat by calling to them.
Sympathy and Simians
Sympathy involves reenacting someone else's mental state, and orangutans show evidence of culture.
Turtle Roadkill
Enough turtles get killed while crossing roads each year to hurt the species.
Lizard Mates
Female lizards pick mates with the best real estate (rocks for sunning).
Cats and Barking
How come cats don't bark? (Barking is meaningless, and cats have a clear set of vocal signals.)
Bird Nests
How come birds keep coming back to the same spot to try and build a nest, even though I keep undoing a day's work?Ó (instinct hard-wired into the brain; inexperienced birds)