Cooling Menthol January 3, 2008 How menthol and the ability to sense cold are genetically linked. Read moreCooling Menthol
Animal Storm Detection December 31, 2007 A listener asks: Can animals sense natural disasters before they happen? Read moreAnimal Storm Detection
Old Genes Roundup December 28, 2007 Ancient genes influence how much fat our cells store. Read moreOld Genes Roundup
Space Crops December 6, 2007 Lighting, heating and recycling technology designed for survival in space could revolutionize how … Read moreSpace Crops
Himalayan Collision November 12, 2007 A high-speed continental cataclysm formed the Himalayas 50 million years ago. Read moreHimalayan Collision
Sleeping Dolphins November 8, 2007 A listener asks: Why don't dolphins drown while they sleep? Read moreSleeping Dolphins
Healthy Restaurants November 5, 2007 Restaurant chains advertising healthful food may actually encourage overeating. Read moreHealthy Restaurants
Fear and Bonding Roundup November 2, 2007 The hormone oxytocin helps mothers bond with their babies. Read moreFear and Bonding Roundup
Spider Webs October 31, 2007 A listener asks: Can spiders get caught in the webs of other spiders? Read moreSpider Webs