Hypoallergenic Soy April 10, 2008 Fermenting soy reduces its allergenicity by 99 percent. Read moreHypoallergenic Soy
Honeybee Royal Jelly April 9, 2008 Royal jelly creates queen bees by changing gene expression. Read moreHoneybee Royal Jelly
Mosquito Repellent April 7, 2008 The insect repellent DEET doesn't repel mosquitoes so much as confuse them. Read moreMosquito Repellent
Reptile Roundup April 4, 2008 Researchers invent a material that mimics the stickiness of gecko feet. Read moreReptile Roundup
Alligator Lungs April 3, 2008 Alligators use their lungs to help them sneak up on prey. Read moreAlligator Lungs
Snakes vs. Newts April 1, 2008 Eating a toxic newt could kill a human, so why can some hungry snakes get away with it? Read moreSnakes vs. Newts
Monkey Alarms March 31, 2008 Some monkeys combine their alarm calls to create an entirely new meaning. Read moreMonkey Alarms
New Power Roundup March 28, 2008 Researchers harness electricity from bacteria. Read moreNew Power Roundup
Fastest Swimsuit March 27, 2008 NASA, Speedo, and other engineers team up to beat last year's superfast swimsuit. Read moreFastest Swimsuit