Why Is It?
Chalky Ice Cubes
My ice cubes evaporate and leave a particulate behind-- what is it? (calcium carbonate, chalk, …
Musical Pleasure
Why is music pleasureable? (because it may help us learn better, in the end, helping us survive)
Hearing Loss
Why is your hearing dull or muffled after a loud concert? (because there's some damage after …
Calorie Burning
How are daily calorie requirements calculated? (Using a formula or by measuring metabolic rate)
Cancer Vaccines
Why can't you treat cancer with a cancer vaccine? (Researchers are working on treatments.)
Calorie Counting
Are calories in food counted with a calorimeter? (not really, conversion factors are used)
Hot Fire
Why is fire hot? (a rapid chemical reaction releases a lot of energy and heat)
Atmospheric Mixing
Why don't the different gases in atmosphere separate into layers? (wind keeps them mixed)
20/20 Vision
Is it possible to have better than 20/20 vision? (yes, but it's limited by corneal aberrations)