Why Is It?
Looks and Lou Gehrig’s
Because I physically look like my mother, (who had ALS), do I have a greater chance of getting the …
Icy-Cold Beverages
Why do some bottled beverages stored in the freezer a few minutes not get ice in them until they're …
Dangerous Hail
Why don't you ever hear about people getting hurt by hail? (Chances of getting hit are low)
Why do people have different fingerprints? (Combination of genes and environment)
Sinus Infections
Can you catch a sinus infection? (No, caused by bacteria already in your sinuses)
Black Hole Food
What happens to all the mass that a black hole collects? (Ripped into elementary particles and used …
Secondhand Smoke
Is it better to breathe secondhand smoke through your mouth or nose? (No difference)
Bottomless Pit
What happens if you drop a ball through a hole drilled clear through the Earth? (Oscillates until it …
Black Bananas
Why do bananas turn black in the refrigerator? (Cold damages cells, which break open and allow …