What the heck is a nectarine? (A mutant peach that doesn't have fuzzy skin)
How do mood rings work? (they're made of liquid crystals that change color by temperature)
Is there a use for maggots in modern medicine? (Yes, to clean out wounds and aid healing.)
Why didn't humans adapt to have good eyesight? (Eye adjusts to keep things in focus, but sometimes …
What does spit do for a baseball pitcher's spitball? (makes the ball slippery so it doesn't spin)
Why are yawns contagious? (They signal a change in state, so our brain detects them.)
How did the ocean get salty? (from rocks on land that get dissolved by rain and washed into the sea)
How come cats don't bark? (Barking is meaningless, and cats have a clear set of vocal signals.)
How can sucralose be made of sugar and not have any calories? (Tongue recognizes it, but not …