Why Is It?
Why do people get seasick? (Conflicting signals in the brain upset vestibular and emesis systems.)
Skunk Removal
How do you get rid of skunk smell? (Wash in hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.)
Road Rubber
Where does tire rubber go when the tire wears out? (Pieces get airborne or washed into streams.)
Missing Stars
Why don't pictures of space show any stars? (Shutter speed not long enough.)
Wintering Mosquitoes
Where do mosquitos go in the winter? (Some freeze then thaw out, some hide in warm places.)
Big Dipper
How big is the Big Dipper? (size of 50 full moons or 276 trillion miles, depending)
Old Beer
Does beer go bad, or does it age like a fine wine? (most beers don't go bad, but the taste …