Science Update
Robotic Scorpion
A robot modelled after a scorpion that can be used to spy under harsh, desert-like conditions.
Smell and Behavior
Teasing out how the nose works and how the sense of smell is important in everyday life.
Computer Personality Test
Psychologists will give an artificially intelligent machine named GAC (developed by the Mindpixel …
Cause and Effect
Seeing an effect, people will think they've also seen the cause.
Friendly Microbes
Bacteria in your gut change how your genes express themselves, making it easier for other friendly …
Special compounds might one day be used to trap dangerous, radioactive contamination in soil.
Seasonal Fat
Studying how hamsters gain and lose weight so quickly may teach us more about how humans can do it, …
Mars Garden
Genetically engineered plants can tell us a lot about Mars' atmosphere and pave the way for human …