Science Update
Subvocal Speech
Detecting the silent nerve signals used for speech to aid communication in noisy environments.
WWII Tree Disease
A fungus brought by American troops during World War II infected Italian trees.
Soil and Global Warming
Soil can be made to retain carbon, which would help prevent global warming.
Predicting Fingerprints
A mathematical model predicts fingerprint patterns based on biological factors.
Thought-Controlled Robots
A robotic arm moves in response to human brain signals captured earlier.
Engineers Without Borders
Engineers are volunteering their technical expertise to solve problems around the world.
Technology and Poverty
Technology may be the key to lifting developing nations out of poverty.
Dogs and their Owners
People pick purebred dogs based on their traits, so dogs really do look like their owners.
Blind Navigator
A portable computer system allows blind people to navigate, read, and recognize faces.