Clone Fingerprints
Will clones have the same fingerprints as the person they're cloned from? (no, development in unique …
Singing Frogs
Frogs can change the pitch/timing of their beeps to take advantage of reverb
Food and Mood
Lowering tryptophan causes mood depression, boosting empty calories raises students' test scores, …
Squirrel Drug
A protein in the brains of hibernating squirrels can help treat stroke.
Drugs and Teenage Brains
Drugs like cocaine affect adolescent brains more than those of young children or adults.
Deadly Dyes
Two colored dyes kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites donated blood.
Rodent Roundup
A gene blocks the effects of muscular dystrophy, pain and inflammation promote tumor growth, and old …
Fear Switch
The brain's medial prefrontal cortex is responsible for unlearning fear.
Transplant Tolerance
Immune cells in the eye could be used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.