Deciphering horses' whinnies, how apes plan ahead, the science of Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, …
Ape Planning
You'd pack very differently for a trip to the beach and a trip to the mountains. It turns out that …
Invisibility Cloak
Harry Potter's invisibility cloak may not be completely fictional for much longer.
Music could help treat Parkinson's, new ways to probe for underground bacteria, a handy test for …
Pregnancy Stress
If being pregnant in today's fast-paced world is enough to stress you out, take heart. It may be a …
Caffeine Test
Llamas may soon help you test whether that decaf your server just poured is really decaf.
Dolphins have names, birds keep tabs on their rivals, public health workers may not show during a …
Bird Burglars
To keep our belongings secure, we use alarms, guard dogs, vaults, and secret hiding places. …