Disappearing Bananas
Two fungal diseases threaten the health of banana crops worldwide.
Lyme disease is spread to ticks by white-footed mice, which thrive in deforested areas
The painting's smile seems to change depending on where you look, because of the neurobiology of the eye.
Just a little daily exercise can prevent weight gain, eating more protein helps dieters, and obesity should not be seen as a personal failing.
The cycle of freezing and thawing of soil arranges rocks in the Arctic into neat patterns.
Boy babies complicate deliveries, dads don't babytalk as well as moms, and men tend to blame outside forces for their failures.
Drugs from sea sponges, wound-healing oxygen and a sunscreen made from white tea extract
Why is it that when you bite into tinfoil or metal, it's an amazing, painful shock that goes through your whole system? (if you have metal dental …
Reconfiguring ultrasound to pass through air -- it can kill anthrax spores in an envelope
Heart monitor that calls the doctor, disposable mics for rescue, memory metals motor
Exactly what is this formula that they never tell us on the news for the wind chill factor and the heat index? (too long to say, wind chill: temp …
Genetic enhancement can help cure disease, but could also improve athletic performance
Storing carbon dioxide underground could help environment -- removing CO2 and recovering natural gas