Long-Lasting Sunscreen
It’s annoying to have to reapply sunscreens throughout the day, and researchers are working on longer-lasting versions.
Shocking Eel Strategies
Electric eels use a series of elaborate electrical discharges to get their prey to come out of hiding.
Historical Smell Mismatch
The mismatch between the smells in the environment we evolved in and the one we live in today could impact our health.
Contact Lens Biosensor
Monitoring blood sugar and testing for cancer bio-markers with a contact lens.
Telomeres & Heart Disease
Medical researchers make strides in fighting a widespread heart condition.
Mobile Plastic Fuel
Mobile power reactors could turn plastic garbage into gasoline and diesel fuel.
Icy temperatures may be the key to recycling unwanted technology.
Antibiotics vs. Bees
Antibiotics used to treat foulbrood in honeybee hives could be contributing to the decline of honeybee populations.
African Renewable Energy
Partnerships can help African nations develop sustainable energy grids.
Crowdsourcing Artificial Intelligence
The U.S. Navy asks computer gamers to help brainstorm the challenge posed by super-intelligent machines.
Age Reversal
A peptide infusion has restored youthful vigor to elderly lab mice.
Methane Sniffers
Google’s fleet of Street View cars is helping sniff out gas leaks.
Importance of Smell
Losing the sense of smell can have unexpected consequences.
Contagious Parrot Laughter
Rare New Zealand parrots start playing spontaneously when they hear certain calls.
Full Body PET Scanner
A full-body PET scanner could help medical researchers understand how different body systems interact.
Robotic Microsurgery
Precise, minimally invasive robotic surgery could improve outcomes for cochlear implant patients.
Eradicating Rabies
Vaccinating dogs against rabies protects humans and wildlife, too.
Cooling Sheets
Cooling sheets could provide air conditioning without requiring energy.
Cell Health & Exercise
Bursts of high intensity aerobics revive aging cells.
Neanderthal Dental Plaque
Dental plaque from ancient Neanderthals reveals that they used herbal remedies.
Avian Athletes
Scientists are learning from birds’ amazing metabolisms to help human athletes perform better on the ground.
Mountain High
Have you ever been to a high altitude and found yourself gasping for breath? One listener asked why that happens.