Songbird Brains
Mathematical equations describing neurons in bird brains that control birdsong
Weird Earth Science
Pasta is being used to model earthquake faults, and the mystery of a disappearing lake is solved.
Mummy’s Curse
An epidemiological study shows that King Tut's tomb did not have a curse.
Bacterial Builders
Engineered bacteria make a protein that can lay down a pattern of circuits on a computer chip.
Why is scratching pleasurable? (To encourage you to get rid of an irritant)
Rock Art Acoustics
Echoes may have inspired ancient people to paint on cave walls.
Sympathy and Simians
Sympathy involves reenacting someone else's mental state, and orangutans show evidence of culture.
Turtle Roadkill
Enough turtles get killed while crossing roads each year to hurt the species.
Adolescent Slowdown
Kids entering puberty have a harder time processing emotional information.