Big Heads
Does a bigger head mean a bigger brain? (Generally, but it doesn't mean you're smarter.)
Ptarmigan Teaching
Mother ptarmigans teach their chicks to what foods to eat by calling to them.
Buggy Plants Roundup
Atlantic salmon can escape from Pacific fish farms, vitamin D prevents bone fractures, and organic …
Montezuma’s Revenge
The toxin from E. coli that causes diarrhea may help prevent colon cancer.
Learning Language
Using a fake language to figure out how babies learn words
Eavesdropping Plants
Wild tobacco plants pick up hormones produced by sagebrush and develop defenses against herbivore …
Stardust Roundup
Stardust from the atmosphere, tracking earthquakes by looking at leaning trees, and better software …
Disappearing Bananas
Two fungal diseases threaten the health of banana crops worldwide.
Lyme Disease Risk
Lyme disease is spread to ticks by white-footed mice, which thrive in deforested areas