Anti-Wrinkle Creams
How do anti-wrinkle creams work? (Retinoids and antioxidants increase collagen in skin.)
How do anti-wrinkle creams work? (Retinoids and antioxidants increase collagen in skin.)
People are equally bad at detecting a lie when it's told face-to-face or by instant messaging.
A ban on two insecticides has helped improve the health of babies, and video games are violent.
Why are sunsets so colorful? (Light is scattered by the atmosphere and by particles.)
Using masonry skills to teach developing nations how to build earthquake-resistant houses
Boosting the number of vasopressin receptors in male voles increases bonding behavior, and sexual …
People are more likely to lie over the phone than in e-mail, instant messaging, or face-to-face.
Loss of the sense of smell could be a warning sign of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases.