Skunk Smell
A listener wants to know if skunks are repelled by their own smell.
Altruistic Toddlers
The most helpful toddlers show empathy when they’re infants.
Gender & STEM Achievement
Girls get slightly higher grades in science and math worldwide than boys, but fewer enter STEM …
Octopuses on Ecstasy
An antisocial octopus loosens up under the influence of ecstasy.
IDing Ivory Poachers
Elephant DNA and complex data analysis are helping to prosecute poachers.
Fish-Eating Praying Mantis
A giant insect gobbles up guppies - and other small animals.
Gut-Brain Connection
Scientists document a near instantaneous electrical connection between the gut and the brain.
Cytokine Research
A breakthrough in medical research arises out of an unexpected finding in chicken eggs.