Weed Seed Collection
The USDA collects and grows weed seeds and makes them available for research.
Sea Sponge Fibers
The optical fibers of the sea sponge can help improve fiber optic cables.
Dark Sky
Why don't the stars light up the night sky? (Low intensity, light hasn't gotten here yet)
Biblical Tunnel
The first scientific dating of a Biblical structure: the Siloam Tunnel in Israel
Fitness Roundup
Exercise equipment that looks like comfortable furniture, and technology that cuts the boring parts …
Flu Evolution
A model for flu virus evolution shows that people get short-term immunity against infection.
Worm Regeneration
Studying how flatworms use stem cells to regenerate lost body parts.
Optical Biopsies
A scope with a special microscope attached can replace conventional biopsy.
Anthrax Signaling
Anthrax bacteria have a signaling system that, if blocked, inhibits growth.