Obesity Pathway
Insights into the genetics of obesity could lead to new drugs.
Ultrasound Stethoscope
A new stethoscope works in very noisy places and could help medics on the battlefield.
Cultural Rhythms
How you interpret a simple rhythm depends on what language you speak.
Termite Headbanging
Termites really know how to raise a ruckus when faced with danger.
Dental Smart Bomb
A new generation of "smart" dental rinses could help eliminate cavities.
Space Molecules
Space is not empty. In fact, there are some pretty surprising molecules floating around up there.
Dimpled Cars
A listener asks: Would the dimples on a golf ball also speed up a car or an airplane?
Father Pheromones
Fathers may emit pheromones that keep their daughters young.
Resilient Robots
Scientists are developing robots that can recognize and compensate for injuries.