Coral SOS Signals
Seaweed-covered corals emit a chemical that entices goby fish to clean them.
Owning Genes
In an upcoming case, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether diagnostic genes for breast cancer …
Lupus vs. Cancer
Lupus antibodies may become an unlikely ally against cancer.
Stingy Kids
Children, like adults, act more generous when they’re being watched.
Listening to Football Helmets
Measuring the acoustical signatures of colliding football helmets could help improve helmet safety.
Digitizing Ancient Texts
Sophisticated computer imaging may help decode the world's oldest un-deciphered written language.
Painful Math Anxiety
Areas of the brain normally associated with physical pain are activated when people with math …
Second-Generation Smoking
Smoking while pregnant may cause DNA damage not just to the developing baby, but to that baby's …
Eyes vs. Faces
Monsters from the role playing game “Dungeons & Dragons” help reveal what’s most important to …