Walden Trees
Trees described by Henry David Thoreau in Walden are adapting to
earlier spring thaws, but face …
Whales & Oil
The exploitation of natural resources in the Arctic due to melting sea ice has consequences for …
The Bingeing Brain
The brain chemical serotonin may play a role in binge eating disorder.
Frog Hibernation
Hibernation is the key to getting an endangered frog species to breed in captivity.
Cretaceous Flowers
A sprig of eighteen flowers has been preserved in amber for 100 million years.
Light-Activated Heart Glue
A light-activated glue could improve heart surgery.
Caterpillar Halitosis
A tobacco-eating caterpillar creates the equivalent of smoker's breath to scare off predators.
Endangered Voices
Digital technology and social media are helping save endangered languages.
Comet Harpoon
NASA scientists are testing a harpoon that could bring back samples from comets.