Soft Deep-Sea Robots
Engineering customized robots to safely study the animals of the deep sea.
Birdsong Dreams
Researchers have discovered that when songbirds dream, the vocal muscles they use for singing become …
Birds & Alligators
Though mortal enemies, alligators and water birds team up against raccoons in the Florida …
Ocean Plastic to Energy
Technology for turning plastic trash into energy could keep the garbage out of the ocean.
Designer DNA
Bits of DNA may prevent neurons from producing a disease-causing protein.
Ocean Microfibers
Tiny fibers from our washing machines could harm marine life.
Ocean Trash Hotspots
Scientists tally up the burden of plastic trash on U.S. coastlines.
Wasabi vs. Chili Peppers
A listener asks: Why does wasabi's kick disappear so quickly while the heat of chili peppers can …