Rabbit Fever
Can you get rabbit fever from eating rabbits? (Yes, you can get tularemia.)
Why is it that when you bite into tinfoil or metal, it's an amazing, painful shock that goes through your whole system? (if you have metal dental appliance in your mouth, it forms a battery)
Genetically engineered anthrax toxins kill cancer in mice w/o harming healthy tissue
Women are more sensitive to pain than men -- probably because a protein called GIRK-2 doesn't function as well in women
Control over retirement, schmoozing with friends and eating fish help cognitive preformance in older people
Big portions make us eat more, inactivity is worse than overweight, and exercising to music boosts lung fitness.
Lowering tryptophan causes mood depression, boosting empty calories raises students' test scores, and caffeine is not what raises blood pressure
Immune cells in the eye could be used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.
proteins misfolding can cause many brain illnesses; the part of the brain for out of body experiences
Compound in poisonous plant for treating brain tumors, saltwort seeds, and dinosaur with bunny teeth found in China
Is there a use for maggots in modern medicine? (Yes, to clean out wounds and aid healing.)
A compound in broccoli kills H. pylori, the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers.
Humming to prevent sinus infections, a nasal spray flu vaccine, and being happy to live longer