OUT TO SEA: What fish can tell us about human speech. An unwanted underwater invader hits the waters off Florida, and unusual albatross partnerships.
OUT TO SEA: What fish can tell us about human speech. An unwanted underwater invader hits the waters off Florida, and unusual albatross partnerships.
AMAZING ANIMALS: A booze-guzzling mammal that doesn't get drunk, the world's tiniest snake, a seabird's murderous tendencies, and more.
DEET has been repelling mosquitoes for over 50 years, but scientists are now developing more effective alternatives.
A songbird species finds good nesting sites by listening for other birds in the neighborhood.
The toad's super-fast tongue is inspiring the design of new medical and industrial technologies.
A large international study suggests that girls only lag behind boys in math achievement in cultures where gender inequality remains a problem.
YEAR OF THE FROG - Special Extended Podcast: Zoos and aquariums tackle the amphibian extinction crisis, an amphibian missing link is found, toad tongues and frog claws, and more.
The rhesus monkey pecking order reveals a link between stress and calorie intake.
ANIMAL MODELS: Rhesus monkey social relationships reveal a link between stress and overeating, what the platypus genome can tell us about being a mammal, how an antidepressant restores vision in rats, negligent mother mice have abnormal brain chemistry, and fruit flies uncover secrets of aging and pain.
North American right whales are on the brink of extinction. Could a new whale detection system save them?
EVOLUTION & EPIGENETICS: Lizards evolve new structures in record time, geographic gene expression in Moroccan Berbers, Tyrannosaurus rex protein confirms genetic link between dinosaurs and birds. Also: Assessing the health of the oceans.
An innocuous-looking beetle may have been partially responsible for the formation of the vast Chihuahuan desert in Mexico.
Testosterone may make stock traders take bigger risks, leading to price bubbles.
ALL ABOUT BLOOD: The antimicrobial powers of alligator blood, getting blood from a fruit fly, mental health and blood clotting, and new insights into hardening of the arteries.