Overcoming Arachnophobia
Peoples’ brain activity changes permanently when they overcome a phobia.
To protect tiny machines from hidden dangers, engineers are getting inspiration from insects.
The great-grandchildren of rats given a fungicide were more stressed-out and anxious than other rats.
BIRDS & DINOSAURS - Scientists discover T. Rex's feathered cousin, did dino gas warm the ancient earth? And giant fleas that may have pestered the prehistoric giants. Also: why the amorous pursuits of an Australian bird has turned it into a horticulturalist, and how ravens keep track of friend and foe.
Male Spotted Bowerbirds unintentionally cultivate ornamental plants while attempting to woo the opposite sex.
Researchers are breeding specialized fish that glow when exposed to industrial pollutants.
Eliminating bears, wolves, and other top predators has far-reaching consequences.
Researchers have estimated the total number of Emperor Penguins in Antarctica using satellite images.
SOUND SCIENCE - Can sounds influence dreams? Emotional similarities between music and speech. Does a deeper voice lead people to vote for a political candidate? Baboons that recognize words. And baby goats with accents.
Each group of carnivores has a different set of genetic mutations that has knocked out its sweet tooth.
Wild gelada monkeys spontaneously abort pregnancies when a new male takes over the group.
Sex-deprived male fruit flies consume more alcohol than sexually satisfied flies.
Human hunters drove Australia’s largest animals to extinction around 40,000 years ago.
EVOLUTION & EXTINCTION - What really happened to Australia's missing megafauna, how carnivores lost their sweet tooth, why lovelorn fruit flies resort to alcohol, strategic miscarriages in monkeys, and a new frog species is discovered in plain sight.