Deciphering the calls of blue whales, genetic tests for mental conditions, a three-way symbiotic relationship, studying tear film, and the truth about tanning beds.
Deciphering the calls of blue whales, genetic tests for mental conditions, a three-way symbiotic relationship, studying tear film, and the truth about tanning beds.
The call of a rare bird, marijuana-like brain chemicals, the Earth without a tilt, using measles to fight cancer, and making public aquariums accessible to the blind.
Scientists are using sound to make public aquariums accessible to the visually impaired.
Why rainbows are round (yes, round), ultraviolet light is an aphrodesiac to jumping spiders, getting rid of interior rattles in cars, senior citizens are less reliable crime eyewitnesses, and why some medical studies are more likely to get refuted.
Using ultrasound to find expensive wood, how cheese is helping to fight a tree fungus, the connection between prostate cancer and a lack of male sons, the division in your brain, and the secret to a ultra-white beetle.
An update to the stethoscope, why fevers may be healthy, how whales' brains are like ours, making robots from DNA, and lessons from the fat and skinny genes.
A new stethoscope works in very noisy places and could help medics on the battlefield.
Headbanging termites, why we eat salmon before--and not after--they spawn, a "smart bomb" for dental plaque, an ancient Greek sky calculator, and how your first language affects your sense of rhythm.
The secret of a Stradivarius violin, how giraffes block a head rush, using bees for homeland security, saving seagrass, and a strange new ingredient in the interstellar soup.
Stradivari may have unknowingly relied on chemistry to make his violins sound great.
Our special birthday show! A louse killer that's evolution-proof, what comes after Hubble, the universality of color, listening to icebergs, and how physics was different in the early universe.
Scientists are listening to the sounds icebergs make, and trying to figure out what they mean.
Underwater noise pollution, genes for alcoholism, PCBs may compromise vaccines, proof of dark matter, and uvulas in animals.
Music composed by a volcano, how quickly we judge others, wildfires release mercury, good news about recovering from stroke and heart attacks, and a contagious cancer in dogs.
A new technique to analyze data from volcanoes may be music to scientists' ears.
How humpbacks size up a school of fish, a marine tracking network, replacement retinas that work like the real thing, a sniper-detecting robot, and the hidden costs of rough roads.
How to end offensive sports chants, a coal-based jet fuel, how a love hormone softens marital spats, why poor people are more likely to be obese, and a fossil ancestor of modern birds.
An ancient astronomical record, chewing gum that fights cancer, a new way to weigh the elderly, the shifting jet streams, and how killer whales use sound to hunt.