Satellites for Human Rights
Satellite imagery helps human rights teams assess destruction in war-torn regions of the world.
Newborn Accents
The sound of a newborn baby's cry depends on the language its parents spoke while it was in the …
Cancer Roundup
Researchers have discovered a gene in the naked mole rat that protects them from developing cancer.
Bat Syndrome
Researchers unveil a bold plan to save endangered bats from a deadly fungus.
Asthma Patients
Patients with "difficult to treat" asthma often turn out not to be taking their medication …
Disaster Sensing
Satellite imagery can sense chemical changes in the soil, revealing pollution, potential landslides, …
Whale Clicks
Researchers are learning how sperm whales avoid interrupting each others' echolocation signals while …
Acid Ocean Roundup
Shellfish are at risk of losing their shells due to climate change.
Depression & Light
Mice exposed to 24-hour artificial light develop depression-like symptoms.