Feather Songs
A South American bird serenades potential mates by rubbing its wing feathers together.
Alzheimers and Cancer
A recent study suggests that people with Alzheimer's disease are less likely to get cancer, and …
Beyond Copenhagen
Scientists met in Washington, D.C. recently to discuss how to deal with the effects climate change …
Venomous Dinosaurs
A venomous feathered dinosaur may have eaten its prey alive.
Boron Nanotubes
The main ingredient in clown makeup is being used to create a nano-material that could protect …
Wide Awake Drunk
Energy drinks containing both caffeine and alcohol could lead to unsafe behavior.
First Impressions
First impressions of someone's personality based on a photograph alone can be surprisingly accurate.
Changing Hail
A listener asks if hail changes size as it falls to the ground.
Naked Mole Rat Survival
Naked mole rats can survive without oxygen longer than any other mammal.