Waste into Plastic
Scientists have developed a way to turn municipal waste into biodegradable plastic.
Diabetes Roundup
Good dental hygiene can result in improved blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Low-Tech Blood Separator
Two undergraduates design a low-tech centrifuge for use in developing countries.
Mammoth Hemoglobin
Scientists have resurrected a blood protein of the extinct woolly mammoth.
Music Intelligence Roundup
Can listening to Mozart really make you smarter?
DNA Transfer
Scientists have confirmed that DNA can be transferred between non-mating, multi-cellular species.
Near-Miss Gambling
For problem gamblers, near misses are almost as exciting as hitting the jackpot.
Brain Master Switch
Scientists have identified a protein that serves as the brain's master switch.
Neandertal Genome
A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome sheds light on the question of whether or not our extinct …