Food Chemistry Roundup
New studies reveal why black pepper fights fat cells, and why caffeine could help dry eye syndrome.
Social Status Genes
When a female monkey’s rank changes, thousands of her genes are affected.
Spoiled Milk
A listener asks why milk goes bad more quickly than other beverages.
Raven Relationships
Ravens remember other ravens as friendly or adversarial, even years later.
Sizing Up Weapons
People think others are larger and stronger if they’re holding a weapon in their hands.
Dinosaur Roundup
Dinosaurs may have contributed to ancient global warming.
Runaway Planets
Under some circumstances, planets could be thrown out of the galaxy at tremendous speed.
Techno Animal Roundup
Researchers are breeding specialized fish that glow when exposed to industrial pollutants.
Chilly Relationships Roundup
Social anxiety can affect how you sense temperature.