Detachable Gecko Tails
Gecko tails fall off along pre-determined lines.
Tree-Climbing People
The Twa people of Uganda climb trees with ease. A new study suggests that the trait may be the …
Comet Encounters
A newly discovered comet will be visible from earth this fall.
Your Brain on Fructose
A brain imaging study supports growing evidence linking fructose to weight gain.
Microbe Roundup
Microbes in the human gut could be partially responsible for food cravings.
Stressed-out Scallops
Scientists can assess the health of marine ecosystems by recording the coughing sounds made by …
Hot Flash Neurons
Scientists have identified neurons in the brain that trigger hot flashes during menopause.
Smartphone Allergy Tester
Smartphones with a small device attached can be used to test for food allergies.
Fatty Acid Fuels
Modifying the digestive process of bacteria could produce a useful fuel from common fats.