The Pill Question April 15, 2003 ÒWhat happens to all of the eggs of women who have been on the pill for a long … Read moreThe Pill Question
Rolling Eyes April 10, 2003 Why do our eyes roll back when we sleep? (They don't, really; they move all around.) Read moreRolling Eyes
Tilted Earth April 8, 2003 Why is the Earth tilted? (Got knocked around as it was forming billions of years ago) Read moreTilted Earth
Blood Types April 3, 2003 Why do people have different blood types? (Different molecules on the surface of red cells) Read moreBlood Types
Big Heads April 1, 2003 Does a bigger head mean a bigger brain? (Generally, but it doesn't mean you're smarter.) Read moreBig Heads
Wet Eyes March 18, 2003 Why are eyes wet? (we evolved best to see when they're wet) Read moreWet Eyes
Driving Side March 11, 2003 Is it safer to drive on the left or the right side? (It doesn't matter.) Read moreDriving Side
Our Moon March 6, 2003 Why doesn't our moon have a name? (It does: Luna. But we use the Germanic name, Moon.) Read moreOur Moon
Rabbit Fever March 4, 2003 Can you get rabbit fever from eating rabbits? (Yes, you can get tularemia.) Read moreRabbit Fever