Dry Lips
Why does licking you lips dry them out? (because that moisture evaporates, taking lip moisture with …
Why does licking you lips dry them out? (because that moisture evaporates, taking lip moisture with …
What is the universe expanding into? (Nothing, except for a mysterious fourth dimension.)
Why are young men so clumsy? (girls and boys get growth spurts and a new social consciousness at …
Why is it when you purchase popsicles at the grocery store, the flavor goes all the way through, but …
Where does gravity come from? (mass of objects determines gravity, and small particles called …
Why do some spices make you sweat? (because they trigger the heat receptors in your mouth)
If my parents have diabetes, will I get it too? (not necessarily - but chances higher)
How do those mosquito-killing dunks work? (one type uses a bacterium, the other a hormone)