Ancient Fibers
Ancient flax fibers found in a cave suggests humans may have been turning the plant into clothing or …
Ancient flax fibers found in a cave suggests humans may have been turning the plant into clothing or …
Severed gecko tails can perform surprisingly complex movements – and that may help scientists …
Nicotine strengthens brain connections that associate memories with the urge to light up.
An ancient hominid skeleton revises human evolution, the MESSENGER spacecraft makes its final flyby …
A roving robot, about the size and weight of a compact car, cruises the deep sea floor to study life …
Using torture to extract information from suspects may have the opposite of the intended effect.
A planet called Nibiru won't be slamming into earth in December, 2012, but the hype surrounding the …
Torture gets a failing grade from neuroscience, a new benthic rover explores the ocean floor, how …