Raven Relationships
Ravens remember other ravens as friendly or adversarial, even years later.
People think others are larger and stronger if they’re holding a weapon in their hands.
Under some circumstances, planets could be thrown out of the galaxy at tremendous speed.
Microbial fuel cells, which clean wastewater and generate electricity, are getting closer to practicality.
Male Spotted Bowerbirds unintentionally cultivate ornamental plants while attempting to woo the opposite sex.
Researchers are breeding specialized fish that glow when exposed to industrial pollutants.
Eliminating bears, wolves, and other top predators has far-reaching consequences.
A new technique can quickly identify a pathogen and size up its drug resistance, all with one test.
Researchers have estimated the total number of Emperor Penguins in Antarctica using satellite images.
A microscopic capsule delivers chemotherapy drugs to tumor cells without damaging healthy cells.
Raindrop impressions, preserved for 2.7 billion years, reveal clues about the early Earth's climate.
People draw different conclusions from online symptom checkers, depending on how the symptoms are listed.
What caused Leonardo da Vinci’s famous self-portrait to yellow with time, and the genetics behind Vincent Van Gogh’s mutant sunflower paintings.