Nanoparticles aren't any more toxic to cells than larger particles.
Sleep & Memory
Different stages of sleep may play separate, crucial roles in memory formation.
Coral Reef Roundup
Scientists are using microchips to help protect the world's corals.
Smell of Fear
Chemicals in sweat can influence our perception of others' emotions.
Server Naps
Programming big computer servers to shut on and off in fractions of a second could save huge amounts of power.
Addiction & Parkinson’s
Parkinson's disease and addiction overlap in surprising ways.
Fingerprint Purpose
New research suggests our fingerprints help us feel finely detailed surfaces.
Upside-Down Airplanes
The shape of the wing is what allows a plane to fly upside down.
Instant Immunity
A new technique creates all-purpose antibodies that can be activated at a moment's notice.
Environment Roundup
Pollution from ships poses a significant health risk to people living in coastal areas.
Enamel Gene
Scientists have identified a gene that controls the production of tooth enamel.
Night Shift Metabolism
Staying up all night triggers biological changes that can lead to obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.
Polar Bear Hibernation
Polar bears don't hibernate the way that other bears do.
Dog Roundup
When training dogs, a new study reveals that you better use treats if you want tricks.
Grandparent Advantage
Grandparents may have helped the human population expand.
Imposter Caterpillars
A species of caterpillar tricks ants into treating it better than its own young.
Giant Snake
A super-sized snake in prehistoric Colombia tells scientists about the future of global warming.
Apple Roundup
Researchers find compounds in apples that could help fight cancer and Alzheimer's disease.