Green Rocket Propellant
A new rocket fuel, made of aluminum and ice, could have environmental benefits.
A new rocket fuel, made of aluminum and ice, could have environmental benefits.
Scientists have successfully transmitted information from one brain to another.
The weather on planet COROT-7b calls for pebble showers leading to a rocky downpour.
Monarch butterflies use their antennae to help them navigate thousands of miles to Mexico.
The MESSENGER spacecraft has completed its final flyby of the planet Mercury before it goes into orbit around the planet.
Slime molds can be coaxed to assemble or transport small objects and perform basic computations.
Fruit flies and humans share some of the same genes for learning; and one ant species lacks males entirely.
Ancient flax fibers found in a cave suggests humans may have been turning the plant into clothing or rope as far back as 36,000 years ago.
Severed gecko tails can perform surprisingly complex movements – and that may help scientists study spinal injuries.
Nicotine strengthens brain connections that associate memories with the urge to light up.
Reading disturbing, surrealistic stories may make you smarter than reading stories with straightforward plots.
A roving robot, about the size and weight of a compact car, cruises the deep sea floor to study life there.
Using torture to extract information from suspects may have the opposite of the intended effect.
A planet called Nibiru won't be slamming into earth in December, 2012, but the hype surrounding the myth is hardly harmless.