Beyond Copenhagen
Scientists met in Washington, D.C. recently to discuss how to deal with the effects climate change is already having on critical ecosystems.
Scientists met in Washington, D.C. recently to discuss how to deal with the effects climate change is already having on critical ecosystems.
The main ingredient in clown makeup is being used to create a nano-material that could protect astronauts from solar radiation.
First impressions of someone's personality based on a photograph alone can be surprisingly accurate.
For some animals, being too attractive to the opposite sex can actually hurt the gene pool.
Scientists from all over the world recently gathered in Washington, DC to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty.
Our social networking profiles are surprisingly accurate reflections of our true personalities.
A new algorithm looks for accounting fraud by analyzing non-financial statistics.
A listener asks if handling library books puts him at an increased risk of contracting an influenza virus.
Outbreaks of the H1N1 virus during the twentieth century left many people with long-term resistance to the swine flu.
A listener asks: If you accidentally swallow chewing gum, does it really take years to go through your system?