Sinus Infections
Can you catch a sinus infection? (No, caused by bacteria already in your sinuses)
Musical Shells
Shell trumpets found in Peru were used by priests to establish their authority.
Trampled Grass
Breeding plants resistant to being trampled for Army training sites
Black Hole Food
What happens to all the mass that a black hole collects? (Ripped into elementary particles and used to make the black hole bigger and more massive)
Talking With Fat
Nerve cells and fat cells communicate with each other about burning and storing energy.
Passive Ultrasound
Taking ultrasound by detecting the weak sound waves generated naturally by objects
Secondhand Smoke
Is it better to breathe secondhand smoke through your mouth or nose? (No difference)
Flat Universe
Results from the DASI telescope at the South Pole confirm that the universe is flat.
Neutralizing Asbestos
A chemical in clove can be used to neutralize the fibers in asbestos.
Good Vibrations
Standing on a vibrating platform for 10 minutes a day can build stronger bones.
Analysis Beads
Tiny beads can be marked with flurescents and tagged with antibodies to test for hundreds of illneses at once.
Soil Genome
By capturing DNA from soil and growing it in e. coli, scientists can find new antibiotics without having to identify where the DNA came from.
Sea Turtle Swimming
Sea turtles navigate their migration by the Earth's magnetic field
Mars Minerals
Identifying the types of rocks and minerals are on Mars can tell scientists whether water was ever present.
Spoilage Sensor
A sensor that can detect the presence of gram-negative bacteria, and soon other bacteria, fungi, and dna as well
Quake Shaking
Predicting earthquakes by watching their damage to buildings while monitoring how they impact different soils.
South Pole Scope
A radio telescope in Antarctica will help astronomers learn about the universe
Neutrino Detector
A detector built in Japan is studying neutrinos from nuclear power plants
Glowing Bacteria
Glowing bacteria may be the key to protecting potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle
Hermaphroditic Fish
Water from waste treatment plants contain pharmaceuticals, which are affecting wild fish
Tiny fluorescent crystals attached to white blood cells make it easier to find tumors in the body