Cold Crabs
Cold-water crab species would adapt better to global warming than warm-water species.
Earth & Mars at closest distance in 55 million years; Multiple probes approaching Mars for even closer look
Getting a traffic ticket slows down drivers -- and the more given, the fewer hospital visits, deaths from accidents
Why are young men so clumsy? (girls and boys get growth spurts and a new social consciousness at puberty)
Why is it when you purchase popsicles at the grocery store, the flavor goes all the way through, but when you make them at home, the flavor is only on …
Designing a fingerprint-i.d. security system that can tell fake or dead fingers from real ones
Where does gravity come from? (mass of objects determines gravity, and small particles called gravitons may be the source of that attraction)
People who drink alcohol suffer worse injuries in a car crash -- whether they're a passenger or driver
The difference b/t wolves and dogs; tropical fish hunters with hand nets decimate fish populations
Why do some spices make you sweat? (because they trigger the heat receptors in your mouth)
If my parents have diabetes, will I get it too? (not necessarily - but chances higher)
Nicotine babies need special care, birds and babies learn to vocalize from their mothers, and kids aren't learning folk songs anymore.
How do those mosquito-killing dunks work? (one type uses a bacterium, the other a hormone)