Predicting Fingerprints
A mathematical model predicts fingerprint patterns based on biological factors.
A mathematical model predicts fingerprint patterns based on biological factors.
Why do stars twinkle? (Atmospheric turbulence bends the light, and our pupils are small.)
Violent images increase aggressive behavior in children, and antidepressant use is up among preschoolers.
Engineers are volunteering their technical expertise to solve problems around the world.
Do armadillos always have identical quadruplets? (Yes, indeed, but no one knows why.)
People pick purebred dogs based on their traits, so dogs really do look like their owners.
Emotions affect how we buy and sell, and exercising to music improves verbal fluency.
A portable computer system allows blind people to navigate, read, and recognize faces.
How do anti-wrinkle creams work? (Retinoids and antioxidants increase collagen in skin.)
People are equally bad at detecting a lie when it's told face-to-face or by instant messaging.
A ban on two insecticides has helped improve the health of babies, and video games are violent.
Why are sunsets so colorful? (Light is scattered by the atmosphere and by particles.)
Using masonry skills to teach developing nations how to build earthquake-resistant houses
Boosting the number of vasopressin receptors in male voles increases bonding behavior, and sexual imagery activates the amygdala in men more than in …
People are more likely to lie over the phone than in e-mail, instant messaging, or face-to-face.
Loss of the sense of smell could be a warning sign of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases.
The noise level in a hospital can reach the intensity of a jackhammer during the night.
Purple tomatoes have more powerful antioxidants, and how plants warn others of insect attacks.