Bomb Detecting Spray
A new spray makes would-be bombers' hands turn red.
Baby Robots
Researchers have developed a new way for children once left behind by their peers to explore the world around them.
DNA Music Roundup
DNA is more than just an instruction manual for life. In fact, genes may actually function more like a well-orchested symphony.
Autumn Color
Fall colors come in several shades. But why the different colors?
Shaved Hair
A listener asks: If you shave, does hair really grow back thicker and darker than before?
Bus Schedule Math
Engineers have developed a mathematical algorithm for optimizing bus schedules.
Future River Flow
Climate change may alter how rivers flow in the future, and man-made dams could make things worse.
Human Psychology Roundup
If you want to increase your mental powers, turn off the T.V. and start up a conversation.
Hot Extinctions
Warmer temperatures have consistently preceded more extinctions throughout Earth's history.
Snail Camouflage
A sneaky snail evades predators by creating a unique form of organic camouflage.
Himalayan Collision
A high-speed continental cataclysm formed the Himalayas 50 million years ago.
Animal Behavior Roundup
Fish suffer from sleep deprivation just like humans.
Sleeping Dolphins
A listener asks: Why don't dolphins drown while they sleep?
Healthy Restaurants
Restaurant chains advertising healthful food may actually encourage overeating.
Fear and Bonding Roundup
The hormone oxytocin helps mothers bond with their babies.
Ultrastrong Plastic
Engineers have created a plastic that's as strong as steel, but lighter.
Spider Webs
A listener asks: Can spiders get caught in the webs of other spiders?
Vocal Joystick
A new computer program allows users to operate a mouse using just the sound of their voice.