World’s Darkest Material
Scientists have invented a material three times darker than the previous world record.
Scientists have invented a material three times darker than the previous world record.
Our memory is closely linked to our imagination; and daytime naps help us remember what we learn.
Global helium resources are dwindling, and there'll be no substitute if we run out.
Early sun spots forecast rough weather ahead during new eleven-year solar storm cycle.
Researchers scientifically document grandparenting behavior in animals for the first time.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues with upgraded software you can use at home.
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Breeding blind cave fish from different populations results in offspring that can see.
Shivering is triggered through a separate pathway from conscious cold perception, according to new research.
Removing land mines is dangerous business, but new methods may eventually make detection more accurate.
Squirrels foil their predators by making themselves smell less like squirrels and more like their predators.
A listener asks: How far apart do people have to live in order to have different accents?
Scientists have discovered surprising geographical variation in what some female songbirds find attractive in a mate.
In a species of fruit fly, a male's attractiveness to the opposite sex gets passed from one generation to the next.