Animal Roundup
Beaver dams help conserve water and scientists discover a behemoth amongst frogs.
Creating "averaged" faces from multiple photographs improves face recognition software.
Scientists have identified precancerous cells that give rise to a form of childhood leukemia.
A listener asks: If vitamin C is essential to our survival, why can't our bodies produce it?
Working with big names helps get you an Oscar nomination, but knowing Academy voters doesn't.
Global climate change could open the Antarctic up to predators it hasn't seen in millions of years.
"Virtual" children may help prepare kids with high-functioning autism to interact with their peers.
Ultrafine particles of air pollution may interact with cholesterol in our bodies to cause heart disease.
A new global map of human threats to the oceans reveals that few waters remain untouched.
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Researchers discover how a spider renders itself nearly invisible using a coat of sand.
Some researchers think plate tectonics may have come to a stop at different times in the past.