A Dog’s Eye View of People
One key to our successful long-term relationship with dogs may lie in the eyes.
Kinder, Gentler Monkeys
Rhesus macaque monkeys become kinder after inhaling the hormone oxytocin.
Violin Confusion
The Stradivarius is the violin by which all others are judged. But does it deserve its reputation?
Weightless Flies
Magnetically levitated flies may help researchers study the effects of weightlessness.
Podcast for 20 January 2012
ANIMALS & PEOPLE - Levitating flies, what dogs and babies have in common, how oxytocin makes …
Nutrition Roundup
Eating grapes protects against macular degeneration in mice.
Toddler Naps
New evidence suggests that napping helps young children regulate their emotions and take pleasure in …
Mimic Mimic
When an Indonesian octopus mimics poisonous fish, a smaller fish takes advantage.
Earthquakes & Cyclones
Bad storms in Taiwan and Haiti may have contributed to earthquakes there.