Ranger Rick
Produced by the National Wildlife Federation, Ranger Rick has been inspiring children to love nature and enjoy the outdoors for over fifty years. Packed with stories, photos, puzzles and projects.
National Geographic Kids
Includes lots of history and social science material, along with animal and nature stories. Website has brain boosters, science demonstrations, and crafts, but also includes some advertisements for fast food and the like.
Whiz Bang Pop
(blog free; magazine by subscription)
This is a UK-based science magazine (36 pages, monthly) with lots of great free content on their website.
Skeptic Junior
(by subscription, but some content is free and downloadable)
With misinformation running rampant in today’s world, how do you scam-proof your kid? Try Skeptic Junior, the kid/youth version of their grown-up publication, Skeptic magazine. Skeptic Junior is included with Skeptic subscriptions, some content is free at the website, and select issues of Skeptic Junior are available for download at $1.99 each.
Click is the pre-school science magazine from Cricket Media, producer of high-quality children’s educational resources. Some material available for free at the Cricket Media blog, but most requires a subscription. (subscription only, but sample pages available)
Ask is Cricket Media’s science magazine for 6-9-year-olds.
Cricket Media’s science and arts magazines for kids 9 to 14-years-old.